

  • Nematicide

True, effective nematode control

Upon federal registration, Salibro™ nematicide with Reklemel™ active will offer protection to roots from plant-parasitic nematodes, such as root-knot nematodes, while preserving the life of your soil.


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Salibro Card 1

Sailibro Card 1 Description

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Sailbro Card -2 Description

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Sailibro Card 3 - Description


Salibro® nematicide will protect a wide variety of crops from plant-parasitic nematode damage without disrupting the healthy balance of beneficial organisms in soil. 

As the first sulfonamide nematicide, Salibro will provide a new mode of action for effective resistance management with a more favorable environmental profile than other products on the market today.

Novel Formulation

Watermelon on vine

Salibro™ Nematicide (Reklemel™ active) is a sulfonamide with a unique mode of action against plant-parasitic Nematodes.

Salibro™ nematicide with Reklemel™ active helps grow your yield by working to protect your crop from a wide range of damaging nematodes, while promoting healthy productive soils over.

Enhances Yield and Crop Quality

Carrot in ground

By protecting crop roots, Reklemel™ active provides the grower the opportunity for better yields or more marketable produce. Using Reklemel pays off.

Preserves Soil Health

Healthy Soil

Salibro offers exceptionally high compatibility with soil health, including beneficial nematodes, beneficial soil fungi and soil bacteria – a key differentiator from other nematode control products.

Nematodes Controlled

Unlike competing products that provide only suppression of nematodes, Salibro® nematicide will provide control of most plant-parasitic nematodes, including:

  • Pin Nematode
  • Reniform Nematode
  • Ring Nematode
  • Root-Knot Nematode
  • Spiral Nematode
  • Stubby-Root Nematode

Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information.

Find labels for this product

Technical Specifications

  • Rates

    0.90 - 1.81 L/ac

    Water volume: 55 L/ac (15 US gal/ac)

  • Application Timing

    When to apply

    Pre-plant incorporated or broadcast followed by soil incorporation

    • Uniformly apply over the field and incorporate mechanically or through irrigation to a depth of 10-15 cm with incorporation equipment to ensure even distribution
    • For maximum residual efficacy, pre-plant incorporate within 7 days prior to planting.

    In furrow (potatoes only)

    • Direct applications into the open furrow and cover with soil


    • Apply in sufficient water and of sufficient duration to apply the labeled rate evenly to the entire treated area
  • Packaging

    2 x 9.6 L jugs

  • Crop Rotation

    Anytime: carrots
    14 days: barley, wheat, oats, corn, soybeans, chickpeas, field peas, lentils, potatoes, sunflowers and flax

Key Features

  • New and unique ​mode of action
  • Effective, true nematicide
  • Highly selective against plant-parasitic Nematodes
  • Excellent, long-lasting ​control
  • Effective at ​low-use rates
  • Precision application
  • Favorable Ecotox profile
  • Preserves soil health


Capsicum annuum


